Geriatric Physiotherapy or Geriatric rehabilitation is the branch physiotherapy that deals with managing physical problems in elderly people. It mainly focuses on people in the process of ageing. Geriatric physiotherapy helps aged people or elderly improve physical balance and strength, build confidence and keep them active.

Elders may lose strength, mobility and flexibility due to the aging process. Geriatric physiotherapy treatment offers prevention and intervention measures to protect and enhance their quality of life. Physiotherapy for old people offers to improve mobility & balance, build strength, boost confidence in their physical condition, boosts joint range, and enhances strength & flexibility.


As we age, our body undergoes multiple degenerative changes leading to loss of strength in muscle tone which restricts mobility and flexibility.

We experience changes in social and emotional functioning with an increase in age, affecting our quality of life and general well-being. Geriatric care is important as it involves a sequence of preventive and intervening measures to provide the care and support essential to improve and manage functional independence and the quality of life.


Geriatric Physiotherapy aims to help elderly people maintain functional independence and overall well-being. It also helps in

» Improving and managing the range of motion of various joints.

» Maintaining the strength and endurance of muscles.

» Performing their day to day activities without the need from a helping hand.

» Building strength and stability required for independent living.


Joint Pain

Joints connect bones within your body, bear weight and provide support during movements. Usually, joint pain is caused by injuries, inflammation of the lining of the joint, hemarthrosis, arthritis, STDs and gout. If the joint pain is left untreated for a longer time, it can restrict mobility and lead to weakness or instability to perform normal activities.

Generalized Weakness

Generalized weakness is one of the most common issues that almost every individual face post a certain age. One of the attributes to this is degenerative changes that come with age resulting in poor muscle tone, stiff joints etc. This is further worsened with the presence of other chronic conditions such as neurological issues, endocrine problems and musculoskeletal issues.

Balance Impairment

Balance impairment in the elderly is the loss of normal functioning of muscles and bones. It is most commonly caused due to arthritis and orthostatic hypotension. Other factors causing balance impairment include numbness in feet and legs, eye problems, blood circulation problems and intake of multiple medicines.

Postural Instability

Postural instability is a condition of inability to maintain an upright position. In other words, it is the imbalance and loss of righting reflexes that are required to maintain an upright position. Geriatric physiotherapy such as balance exercises, can improve postural instability and help patients resume back to their normal state.